Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trendy Thayir Vadai (Dahi Vadas)

Cut out the Fat and with it the guilt ... and what have you? - A perfect treat :) Not the deep fried babies we have loved all this while -- change is in the air....
This was one of the best recipes I have bookmarked - seriously! This is like the healthiest alternative to fried vadais. When I first googled this recipe, I found several recipes including Kamala's Corner which popped up as bread curd vadais. My curiosity piqued, I decided to click and read on -- this was a truly lovely recipe, so easy to make - no dal, no soaking, grinding or best part, frying!!! can't beat that..Ans it took perhaps 15 minutes of prep time!
This version is made with bread. I had to make a few alterations to Kamala's recipe which you may want to consider too.


Here goes:

12 slices of your favorite bread ( I used Nature's Own 100 whole what bread)
1 wide bowl of salt water (add 1 tsp of salt to 12 ounces of water approx)
Plain Low Fat yogurt - 1 container or 1 litre tub
1 carrot grated using smaller blades
3-4 green chilies slit
1/4 cup of crushed cilantro for garnish
Cashews and (optional)
I also sprinkled some Hot Chips think potato chips for fun.

Remove all corners of bread slices
Soak one at a time into the bowl of salt water - press lightly and remove and squeeze out the water
Flatten in your palm and make an indent in the middle (just like urad vadais)
Set aside on a platter
Take the yogurt tub and pour in a larger container and whisk it into a creamy consistency, adding 1tsp of salt
Take a serving dish and add a layer of yogurt to the bottom
Now lay the squeezed bread vadais on the layer of yogurt
Add the rest of the yogurt to cover the Vadais fully
Garnish with the toppings -green chilies, carrtos, cashews and cilantro
Cover with foil or plate and set in fridge for about 30 minutes
Serve cold
In Pictures
Cut the corners of the slices
Make the balls

Arrange on a bed of yogurt
Cover with yogurt and toppings
In your bowl and ready to feast

Linking this to Versatile Vegetarian's Event Guest hosting Kids Delight Restaurant Recreations and Srivalli's Spicing Your Life Kids Delight

Kids_Delight1 (250 x 204)


  1. interesting n new....looks superb n colourful!

  2. I too have seen this recipe in many blogs ...will try it soon ...your stepwise pictures are too good ...easy to try this recipe ...and love ur addition of adding potato chips ...

  3. Healthy Vadas with out deep fry :)
    Sounds delicious

  4. Of course it is trendy... and healthy too!! Excellent idea :-)

  5. That's a nice twist to the traditional curd vada. Looks yummy and colourful

  6. Dahi vadas looks amazing with bread....

  7. lovely idea priya--gotta try this one !

  8. Healthy version..Looks delicious...

  9. Droolinggggg..and your pic is great :))

  10. My kids love this, I make it quite often for their evening snack.


  11. My fav and quick fix..Your looks delicious..

  12. I prepare this and I love it .Looks yummy!

  13. Girl.. this is excellent.. I couldn't believe while reading about cutting down the fat! but this recipe is awesome...

  14. Very innovative and guilt-free recipe for dahi vada. they are one of my favourite snacks, so you bet, that I am bookmarking your recipe and will try it asap! :-)

  15. Lovely thayir vadai's. I remember doing this many years ago and mine was published in amalayalam monthly!

  16. Dahi avdas are one of my favorite. Need to try this using bread.
    Latest on my blog event announcement - Holi Aayi Re

  17. Woww wat a healthy version, simply marvellous..

  18. Love it. Beautifully done and as you said, we can eat it guilt free anytime :)

  19. Delicious guilt free snack this dahi vada i can eat at any time.

  20. very healthy and tangy thayir vadai.lovely

  21. Vada with breads are new to me, interesting!

  22. Vada with breads are new to me, interesting!

  23. Vadas from bread...something new to me! Looks delicious and healthy! :)

  24. So healthy..absolutely guilt free vadas.

  25. i love curd vadai because of frying i never make it..u hv given an awesome idea for my tempting tastes ..thanks..will make it..

  26. i haven't forayed into dahi vadas. i'd been wanting to and yours seem to be the perfect option!!
    thank you for sharing!!
