Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bananes avec Café et Yogourt

Sorry to go all French on you, but does it not sound a whole lot better than Bananas with coffee and yogurt? This is a concoction I got from all By far one of the healthiest desserts you can come up with, and in a matter of 5 minutes FLAT – I am serious – Dun’t get better than this peeps. Got company and don’t want to fret about dessert, this is your baby. Easy, breezy dessert, healthy and endlessly satisfying!!
This is an extremely kid friendly dessert, snack if you substitute the coffee with chocolat and minus the little Kahlua I mixed in for added “flavor” – Pardonez moi (hic) – Just kidding But you can have this sneaky dessert with your man/woman after the kids are in bed- just try saying the name with a French accent to create the “a deux” mood, if you know what I mean …hey it’s French, one’s got to put le twist romantique to it, n’est pas?
Ok – all kidding aside, here goes.


Ingredients Serves - 4
5 Bananas
2 cups of plain low fat Yogurt
1 tbsp instant coffee powder (can be substituted with chocolate powder)
1tbsp hot water
1 tbsp dark brown sugar
1tbsp Kahlua (optional)
Agave and slivered almonds for dressing

With a fork, mush 4 bananas into a bowl
Add the coffee powder in hot water and stir in with the mashed bananas
Beat the yogurt smooth

Take a glass, add a table spoon of the mush and top with a tablespoon of yogurt, add a sprinkle of the sugar and repeat a second time

Take the fork and swirl the yogurt around if you want a marble effect

Take the last banana, cur into round thins and decorate on top. Add a few slivered almonds and drizzle a tiny bit of agave.

Keep in the fridge and serve cold. A delicious dessert for about 150 calories – Can you ask for better? Enjoy with loved ones.

and pssst... never let on as to how cinchy this is to prepare.

Close up of the layers

Without agave

With Agave

One last look :)

This is day 4 of the week long blogging marathon and I am doing this 24 other lovely bloggers -
Bhagi Pavani ChampaPadmaSowmyaGayathriHariniMinuMeenaPriya SureshRujutaSaraswati, SantoshSavithaPJShobanaSmithaPriya VasuUshaVeenaKamalikaJayashree M, and Srivalli, who has started this wonderfully challenging event :)

Sending this to Taste bud's - cooking with fruits event -
RoyalFruitBasket copy


  1. Ur french is excellent Priya, this dessert looks absolutley irresistible..

  2. Very novel.
    I'm off coffee for now. Have to try it later

  3. In my dictionary French means butter and french means fancy. So, it goes well with the name you have given.

  4. Good comment, Champa, except this is unusual in that it has NO BUTTER :)))and is actually pretty healthy!

  5. That is one quick dessert to put together in matter of minutes! but, I am one of those very few banana haters....

  6. The close up shot look c'est spectacular.

  7. Wow that was a very fast !! yummy as well:-)
    N totally agree with you , the french name does sound a lot better.

  8. ce délicieux look -priya this one is bookmarked !

  9. summer the idea.thanks for sharing..

  10. Lovely dessert.Cinchy recpe indeed.thanx for stopping by.

  11. Not only low in fat but sounds delicious. How can you go wrong with Kahlua in the recipe?
    Anna's Table

  12. Well I don't mind all that french if you are going to offer this to me..:)..looks very inviting..

  13. What a wonderfull dessert looks great.

  14. Oh man, that is so tempting cup of delish over kind of dessert:) loved the French was easy to decipher, hehe:):)

  15. Wow simply superb.. Can I have some?:)

  16. I love yogurt and coffee and when they are together what can i say!!!

  17. Love the idea. Thanks for sharing.

  18. This one i am gonna try ASAP....never combined these three flavors together...great!!!
