Sunday, January 23, 2011

Crumpet Delight

This is a recipe from my daughter who pampered me after I returned, jet-lagging and out of it. She prepared this simple yet SO delicious breakfast for me. I am adding this to my own event of fast food not fat food

                           Plain crumpet

2 Crumpets or if you cannot find them - Uthappams
spring onions (finely diced)
mushrooms (fiely diced)
marinara sauce (or make your own tomato based sauce)
Any pickle/chutney that you may have (optional)
Herb De Provence
Chilli flakes

First toast the crumpets
Spread the mayonnaise, sauce and some oinon thokku (in this case)
Lightly sautee the veggies and sprinkle over it
Grate some cheddar/mozzarella cheese and add on top
Add your herbs
Microwave for 30-40 seconds to melt the cheese

Enjoy in less than 10 minutes
This was truly served to me with Love of the truest kind :)))


  1. I can't wait for my daughter to grow up and pamper me!The crumpets look so hearty! BTW do we get them here or is it an english muffin??

  2. Thanks for stopping by. You have a lovely space here. Such a cute gesture by your Daughter, tell her the dish looks lovely.

  3. Kudos to your daughter,looks delicious.

  4. Innovative, quick and easy and tasty too.
    Wish I had a daughter to pamper me...Lucky You!

  5. yummy! nothing like a good breakfast to start the day right i say :)
