Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog Event

Fast food not Fat food

Take a fast food, in fact your most favorite and make a healthy version of it – If it’s a non-veg item, kindly make a veggie, healthy version of it - Sides, main entrees, Salad Dressings, and desserts welcome 

Only vegetarian entries
A healthy version does NOT mean a less appealing version
Only 2 entries allowed
The first entry should be a new one and the second can be an older post
Recipe can be your new innovative concoction or
It could be a recipe that you have been meaning to try out or have bookmarked to try
One sentence at least to explain how your recipe is healthier is a MUST
Linky too will be provided for you to link your entry to my blog
AND Please use the Logo on your blog and link back to
I am off to India on Thursday for 3 weeks, but would love to come back to a whole host of incredible recipes – Please forward to your other blogger friends who may be interested in participating – Non bloggers welcome ….

 Looking forward to a FAT Volume of participation :-))))))


  1. super--- loved the unique theme, will rack my brains for sending u some entries ! rock on gal !!

  2. lovely event will definitely participate in it dear...

  3. Wow.. this event sounds awesome.. will give my best try soon :)

  4. Hi congrats on ur first event.Will give it a shot too.Lovely blog.

  5. Hey, that is a great theme. Will surely to participate. Happy hosting your very first event. Good luck !!!

  6. Nice event....excellent theme! Will definitely send something :)

  7. lovely event priya,will try sending my entries soon...happy hosting..

  8. I have not mentioned it, but I am extending the even at least until Jan 31 - Hoping to get some good entries from all of you

  9. oh, I dint know that the time is extended, will sure send in mine pretty soon..
