Yes, this is another Rose recipe of mine – I have been meaning to make my own paneer for this very reason for a while now and finally went for it. It turned out well, but with all first time efforts and critically analyzing what I’ve made, I know the couple of things I need to improve on the next time I make this. But I got accolades all around and that is the proof of the pudding or malai in this case J This post also contains the method to make some delicious homemade paneer… here goes- Makes about 24 RoseMalais J
Homemade Paneer
1 gallon of whole milk boiled
4-5 tbsp lemon juice to be dribbled into the boiling milk
See the paneer form and fall apart from the whey
Drain and wrap it in a thin mundu towel or cheese cloth
Once drained make small balls with it in preparation for the malai part
Sugar Syrup
2 cups of water and 1.5 cups of sugar
Bring to boil until the syrup gets stringy
Drop the paneer balls into the hot syrup
Rose Milk
Heat ½ gallon of whole milk and add about ¼ cup of Rose Syrup to it along with ½ cup of additional sugar.
Remove the paneer balls from the syrup and set on a serving bowl.
Now pour the rosemilk over this and cover them until the entire lot is soaked in
Cool and eat! Or eat warm if that’s you preference